Consolidated Revenue Report
Month | Revenue for the month | Revenue for the month last year | Comparative increase and decrease amount last month | Increase/decrease compared to last month % | Increase and decrease amount in the same month last year | Increase/decrease in the same month last year % |
January | 159,914 | 142,244 | 654 | 0.41% | 17,670 | 12.42% |
February | 107,618 | 137,160 | -52,296 | -32.70% | -29,542 | -21.54% |
March | 150,317 | 177,731 | 42,699 | 39.68% | -27,414 | -15.42% |
April | 131,388 | 143,128 | -18,929 | -12.59% | -11,740 | -8.20% |
May | 125,162 | 173,972 | -6,226 | -4.74% | -48,810 | -28.06% |
June | 119,612 | 170,177 | -5,550 | -4.43% | -50,565 | -29.71% |
July | 132,484 | 213,988 | 12,872 | 10.76% | -81,504 | -38.09% |
September | 127,043 | 207,609 | 1,683 | 1.34% | -80,566 | -38.81% |
October | 135,621 | 160,234 | 8,578 | 6.75% | -24,613 | -15.36% |
November | 121,844 | 171,017 | -13,777 | -10.16% | -49,173 | -28.75% |
December | 144,660 | 159,260 | 22,816 | 18.73% | -14,600 | -9.17% |
Month | Revenue for the month | Revenue for the month last year | Comparative increase and decrease amount last month | Increase/decrease compared to last month % | Increase and decrease amount in the same month last year | Increase/decrease in the same month last year % |
1 | 142,244 | 212,774 | -19,228 | -11.91% | -70,530 | -33.15% |
2 | 137,160 | 130,564 | -5,084 | -3.57% | 6,596 | 5.05% |
3 | 177,731 | 188,215 | 40,571 | 29.58% | -10,484 | -5.57% |
4 | 143,128 | 184,192 | -34,603 | -19.47% | -41,064 | -22.29% |
5 | 173,972 | 217,822 | 30,844 | 21.55% | -43,850 | -20.13% |
6 | 170,177 | 212,745 | -3,795 | -2.18% | -42,568 | -20.01% |
7 | 213,988 | 213,334 | 43,811 | 25.74% | 654 | 0.31% |
8 | 227,110 | 176,297 | 13,122 | 6.13% | 50,813 | 28.82% |
9 | 207,609 | 200,925 | -19,501 | -8.59% | 6,684 | 3.33% |
10 | 160,234 | 167,391 | -47,375 | -22.82% | -7,157 | -4.28% |
11 | 171,017 | 175,511 | 10,783 | 6.73% | -4,494 | -2.56% |
12 | 159,260 | 161,472 | -11,757 | -6.87% | -2,212 | -1.37% |
Month | Revenue for the month | Revenue for the month last year | Comparative increase and decrease amount last month | Increase/decrease compared to last month % | Increase and decrease amount in the same month last year | Increase/decrease in the same month last year % |
1 | 212,774 | 196,787 | 17,593 | 9.01% | 15,987 | 8.12% |
2 | 130,564 | 114,485 | -82,210 | -38.64% | 16,079 | 14.04% |
3 | 188,215 | 141,783 | 57,651 | 44.16% | 46,432 | 32.75% |
4 | 184,192 | 169,592 | -4,023 | -2.14% | 14,600 | 8.61% |
5 | 217,822 | 171,698 | 33,630 | 18.26% | 46,124 | 26.86% |
6 | 212,745 | 167,197 | -5,077 | -2.33% | 45,548 | 27.24% |
7 | 213,334 | 166,122 | 589 | 0.28% | 47,212 | 28.42% |
8 | 176,297 | 201,002 | -37,037 | -17.36% | -24,705 | -12.29% |
9 | 200,925 | 162,465 | 24,628 | 13.97% | 38,460 | 23.67% |
10 | 167,391 | 177,553 | -33,534 | -16.69% | -10,162 | -5.72% |
11 | 175,511 | 198,482 | 8,120 | 4.85% | -22,971 | -11.57% |
12 | 161,472 | 195,181 | -14,039 | -8.00% | -33,709 | -17.27% |
Consolidated Financial Statements
Annual Reports
2023 Annual Reports
2022 Annual Reports
2021 Annual Reports