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Shareholders’ Meeting Notice

2024 Shareholders’ Meeting Notice

Stock Price Information

Annual General Meeting Handbook

2023 Annual General Meeting Handbook

2022 Annual General Meeting Handbook

2021 Annual General Meeting Handbook

Annual General Meeting Minutes

2024 Annual General Meeting Minutes

2023 Annual General Meeting Minutes

2022 Annual General Meeting Minutes

Dividend Policy

According to Article 26 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the amount of dividends distributed shall be based on the Company’s annual profits and accumulated profits from previous years, taking into account the Company’s profitability, capital structure, and future operational needs. The Company’s dividend distribution policy will consider factors such as capital requirements and the degree of earnings per share dilution, adopting a combination of stock dividends and cash dividends. The proportion of cash dividends shall not be less than twenty percent of the total dividend distribution for the year.

(1)The dividend distribution policy

According to the resolution made by the Board of Directors in accordance with the above-mentioned articles of association, and in alignment with the financial business development goals and plans of the Company, and barring any other special circumstances, the distribution of dividends by the Company is generally based on 0% to 80% of the after-tax profits for the current fiscal year.

(2)The dividend distribution procedure

When distributing dividends, in the event of cash dividends, the distribution is authorized by the Board of Directors in accordance with Articles 25-1 and 25-2 of the Company’s Articles of Association, and reported to the shareholders’ meeting. For the distribution of stock dividends, the Board of Directors shall propose the distribution amount and submit it to the shareholders’ meeting for resolution.

The record of dividend payouts over the years
AnnualCash dividendsStock dividendsTotal
Unit: NT$

Note: For this profit distribution proposal, adjustments may still be required depending on future convertible bond conversions and the exercise of employee stock options, which may affect the number of shares. The Board of Directors is authorized to adjust the shareholder allotment rate based on the actual number of outstanding shares on the ex-rights date. For detailed information, please click here to access the link. Market Observation Post System

Material Information

Investor Mailbox

Investor Conference

2024-03-28 2023 Q4th Investor Conference

Annual General Meeting

2024-06-12 2024 Annual General Meeting

2023-06-12 2023 Annual General Meeting