Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Officer

Corporate Governance Officer

Our company has decided in the board meeting held on June 12, 2023, to appoint a full-time corporate governance officer, who meets the qualifications outlined in Article 23 of the “Guidelines for the Establishment and Exercise of Powers by the Boards of Directors of Over-the-Counter Companies,” with over three years of experience in the management of shareholder and corporate governance affairs.

Scope of Responsibilities
  1. Conducting matters related to meetings of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Board of Directors, and Shareholders’ Meeting in accordance with the law.
  2. Preparing minutes of meetings of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Board of Directors, and Shareholders’ Meeting.
  3. Assisting directors in appointment and ongoing education.
  4. Providing information necessary for directors to perform their duties.
  5. Assisting directors in compliance with laws and regulations.
  6. Other matters stipulated in the company’s articles of association or contracts.
Business Execution in 2023
  1. Assist independent directors and general directors in performing their duties, providing necessary information, and arranging training for directors.
  2. Provide the latest regulations to all board members to assist them in complying with laws and regulations.
  3. Provide company information required by directors, maintain smooth communication and exchanges between directors and various business executives.
  4. Review important decisions and major information dissemination matters after meetings to ensure the legality and correctness of the information, safeguarding equal access to trading information for investors.
  5. Assist each board member in completing at least 6 hours of training courses annually.
  6. The company provides directors with liability insurance and reports on renewal matters to the board of directors.
  7.  In 2023, a total of 3 board meetings, 3 audit committee meetings, and 2 compensation committee meetings were held.
Continuing Education for the Director of Corporate Governance
Further education date Organizer Course Title Duration of Further Education Does the further education comply with regulations?
2023-7-12 Accounting Research and Development Foundation How to properly understand corporate governance evaluation indicators 3 hours Yes
2023-8-23 Taipei Exchange Internal Shareholder Advocacy Seminar for Over-the-Counter and Emerging Companies 3 hours Yes
2023-9-15 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association Common deficiencies in the operation of board meetings in listed companies: practical sharing of experiences 3 hours Yes
2023-9-23 Securities & Futures Institute Sustainability Development Practical Seminar 3 hours Yes
2023-11-9 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association The Role and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors/Top Management in ESG Governance 3 hours Yes
2024-4-12 Taiwan Investor Relations Institute Steering the Journey of Corporate Wisdom: Leading the Way Forward Forum on Corporate Governance 3 hours Yes
2024-5-9 Taiwan Investor Relations Institute Unlocking Corporate Performance: Cost Analysis and Green Supply Chain 3 hours Yes